Cette vigne est une plante grimpante au port vigoureux. Feuillage caduc, vert tendre en été, devenant rouge écarlate. La vigne de Coignet : une liane vigoureuse. Join our friendly community that shares tips and ideas for gardens, along with seeds and plants.
Les jeunes pousses sont toujours pourpres.
Très belle vigne ornementale rustique au développement important. Vitis coignetiae is an ornamental grape vine. It is an extremely fast-growing, tendril climber which can reach up to.
Vitis amurensis , native to the Asian continent, including parts of Siberia and China. This ornamental vine is a magnificent climber for roomy situations where it will not need cutting back. It does not tame sufficiently to fit onto small pieces of trellis on a house wall. Le feuillage vert du VITIS coignetiae effectue un véritable spéctacle en automne (rouge vif, orange).
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All structured data from the main, property and lexeme namespaces is available under the Creative Commons CC0. Grape flavonoids have a wide range of effects including antioxidant, vasodilatory, antiplatelet, decreased superoxide production, free-radical removal and inhibition.