mardi 18 octobre 2016

Eryngium bourgatii

Fleurs bleu métallique puis bleu lilas sur de vigoureuses tiges ramifiées. Les inflorescences ramifiées portent des bractées très bleues. Eryngium bourgatii , en francais panicaut de Bourgat, chardon bleu des Pyrénées, est une plante vivace. Unlike other species, its deeply lobe dark.

Nombreuses inflorescences épineuses bleu intense, en juillet-août. Feuilles épineuses, vertes, rappelant celles des agaves. Unusually attractive much-divided variegated foliage, hold strong stems carrying masses of bright, metallic, purple-blue. Native to areas around the Mediterranean, this Sea Holly is a good choice for dry and sunny parts of the garden. It forms a low mound of unusual thistly-looking dark.

A particularly attractive species from the Pyrenees with leaves divided into a shape reminiscent of a Jack Frost pattern on a frozen window, beautifully marked with. Individual basal leaves shown off against dry bare soil are deeply divide crisply curled and prickle-edged with broa silvered veins and scattered spots like tiny. ERYNGIUM BOURGATII SEEDS - Plant World Seeds.

The Plant List includes 4scientific plant names of species rank for the genus Eryngium. Of these 2are accepted species names. Les hampes ramifiées portent de nombreux petits. Guaranteed best value, low prices, fast delivery, special offers. Wonderful smaller sea holly, more refined than E. Loves sunshine and very well-drained gritty soil.

Eryngium x zabelii est un hybride, crée entre deux espèces françaises, le chardon bleu des Alpes, Eryngium alpinum, et le chardon bleu des Pyrénées, Eryngium Bourgatii. Les abeilles sauvages et les autres pollinisateurs voient leurs populations décliner. Ordered very healthy plants which are all surviving , but a little disappointed they have not flowered and seemed to have stopped growing. This perennial dies back to below ground level each year in autumn, then fresh new growth appears again in spring. Position: full sun Soil: dry, well-draine poor to.

Eryngium bourgatii

Haut débit recommandé: Cette espèce, plus ou moins bleuâtre ou violacée. It’s perfect for growing in a mixed. Courtes bractées ovales, de 4-mm de long, vert gris.

This material is for informational purposes only. In case of doubt, consult the doctor. Botanical is not responsible for damages caused by self-medication.

Eryngium bourgatii

Genre: Eryngium Espèce: bourgatii Famille: Apiacées Origine: Europe. Eryngium purple sheen: extraordinaires fleurs pourpre-cramoisi avec de délicates bractées. Mediterranean Sea Holly (E. bourgatii ) – Native to Pyrenees, this variety reaches 1-feet and consists of lively blue-green flowers with silver bracts and white veins within its coarse, spiny leaves. This beautiful European sea holly forms clumps of heart shaped leaves, over which a profusion of anodised blue thimbles appear on vibrant stems. Cliquer ici pour publier un commentaire (aucune inscription requise).

Panicaut de Bourgat Panicaut de Bourgat. Karl Blossfeldt Heracleum sphondylium. Photos prises au Jardin botanique alpin de Champex (Valais, Suisse), le 30. Miscanthus sinensis malepartus - Hauteur m - Mi été à fin hiver. Prix € Aperçu rapide Eryngium yuccifolium.

Hauteur 60cm, distance de plantation 40cm (n’aime pas la concurrence des racines). Hailing from the Pyrenees, this easily grown perennial boasts a compact clump of crisp undulating gray-green. Deeply cut curly grey-green leaves with silver veins give rise to branching spikes of blue-green thistles with blue spiky bracts. When I moved to New York City I discovered that there was a different relation between the citizens and nature. There is something very clean and pristine about.

Very striking grey and white striped and figured leaves in a neat tussock, good translucent violet. Règles du forum Collections du forum Pour poster dans cette partie, vous devez faire partie du groupe Collectionneurs. Once established this plant is drought tolerant. The thimble size soft grey-blue flowers and spiky colour change with time to rich blue.

Borne on stiff, well-branched stems that rise above a dense cl.

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