mardi 10 mars 2015

Cladrastis lutea

Son élégance résulte de sa couronne arrondie et étalée, mais aussi de sa délicate floraison estivale en grappes blanches légères et parfumées. Il peut ne pas fleurir pendant près de dix ans après avoir été planté et peut rester sans floraison par périodes. Une fois fleuri, ses fleurs sont grandes. Species was formerly called Cladrastus lutea.

Genus name comes from the Greek klados meaning branch and thraustos meaning fragile for the brittle twigs. Belles grappes de fleurs blanches, parfumées. Elle présente des feuilles vertes moyennes à vertes claires, imparipennées et alternes. Les folioles sont obovales, pétiolées avec un bord entier, à nervure pennée.

Le feuillage est dense en été, plus clairsemé en hiver et se colore en jaune clair en automne. Une zone de rusticité est une zone géographique dans laquelle une catégorie spécifique de plante est capable de survivre. Les zones de rusticité sont fondées en. Cladrastis kentukea est une plante à feuilles caduques. It is hardy to zone (UK) and is not frost tender.

Yellowwood loves to grow crooked as a question mark at the soil level. Its white, fragrant, pea-like flowers hang in 15-inch-long clusters in spring, an in some. The new leaves this spring looked dandy until we had some late frosts in April, which damaged or outright killed just about all of them.

I had a few scary weeks of watching the leaves turn brown and crispy, but now (mid-May) a new, 2nd set of leaves is starting to bud out. Breathtaking, pendulous, foot-long, wisteria-like clusters of fragrant white flowers appear in late spring and early summer, often in alternate years. A medium-sized tree, smooth gray bark, wood yellow.

Cladrastis lutea

The flowers are white, clustere May-June, The fruits are pealike pods, formed in Sept - Oct. A hardiness zone is a geographically defined area where a given plant is capable of growing. Hardiness zones are based largely on climate, particularly minimum.

As well as being a nitrogen–fixing legume, a yellow dye is obtained from the. A fast growing, very attractive, round canopied legume tree native to rich woodlands in the eastern U. Nous contacter Questions, Conseils ? Find all the synonyms and alternative words for cladrastis lutea at Synonyms. The tree forms a characteristic trunk when older. Steyermark) Spongberg névvel különböztetik meg. Lovely drooping chains of white blossoms in late spring is the forte of the yellowwoo but its bright green leaves that become a brilliant yellow in autumn is also.

Long, drooping flowers appear in late spring and early summer, often in alternate years. Get fresh recipes, wine pairings, weekend getaway ideas, regional gardening tips, home design inspiration, and more. The New York Flora Atlas is a source of information for the distribution of plants within the state, as well as information on plant habitats, associated ecological. STANDARD - Rostliny této kategorie jsou 1. A synonymized checklist of the vascular flora of the United States, Canada, and Greenland. American yellowwoo Kentucky yellowwoo yellowwood.

The blossoms appear in late spring, when numerous wisteria-like foot-long flower clusters droop from the branches. This tree is most notable for the wisteria-like fragrant clusters of flowers that open in the late spring. The leaves have a yellow or orange color in the fall.

Cladrastis lutea

The plants are hermaphroditic, pollination takes places by allogamy through animals. Its smooth bark is sandy brown but becoming increasingly gray with age. Grow yellowwood in full sun in a fertile. Virgilia kentukea (Dum.-Cours.) Raf.

May be difficult to find in nursery. What does the word cladrastis kentukea mean? Find synonyms, antonyms and the meaning of the word cladrastis kentukea in our free online dictionary!

Cladrastis lutea

A yellow dye is obtained from the valuable heartwood (hence the name).

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