jeudi 3 mai 2018

Dichondra argentea

Entretien et multiplication de cette plante couvre-sol. Suspendue, cette variété vous offrira une magnifique cascade retombant de à m. Résistante à la sécheresse et à la chaleur, sa coloration est plus intense au soleil. Moyennement rustique (-°C), elle est souvent cultivée comme une annuelle.

Produit de très petites fleurs solitaires qui sont blanches, vertes, ou jaune-vert. Le dichondra repens et le dichondra argentea. Partager ce dossier sur les réseaux sociaux.

Learn more about Monrovia plants and best practices for best possible plant performance. Plante retombante qui convient à tous les types d’arrangement. Une vivace au feuillage argenté à utiliser en suspension, jardinière ou en pot. DICHONDRA repens, - Le DICHONDRA repens forme un tapis dense, de petites feuilles en forme de haricot, qui peut remplacer le gazon en climat doux, sans besoin de tonte.

Would dichondra thrive in a mostly shaded area of our lower backyard? It has very minimal dappled sunlight through fairly dense trees and shrubs and very little foot. Join our friendly community that shares tips and ideas for gardens, along with seeds and plants. Dichondra argentea Dichondra argentea Humb. Of these are accepted species names.

Visit your local store for the widest range of garden products. Spice up your garden with ornamental peppers. Similar to edible peppers, ornament.

Great in hanging baskets or tall containers. Also perfect as a ground cover or cascading over a retaining wall. Silver Falls is an easy to grow trailing plant with beautiful silver foliage. Perfect for hanging baskets or stunning as a ground cover in the garden.

Feuilles rondes et argentées,toujours belles. Peu exigeante,elle préfère un sol moyennement riche,plutôt sec et léger. A shimmering silvery plant with scalloped leaves on trailing stems an excellent foliage alternative to Helichrysum licorice plantin containers. Seed-grown foliage plant is covered with very small, rounde silver leaves on silver stems. EST CE QUE ça tient en plein soleil du midi en été ou faut mettre à mi-ombre?

Dichondra argentea

The silver is the silveriest, and it looks delicate, but it put up with heat and drought in full sun for me without complaining much. Very ornamental architectural plant tolerant of irregular moisture. Relative of green invasive lawn weed in the south however gray leaf form not know to be invasive.

Es como tener césped pero sin césped. Search over 0plants in our plant guide. In some places dichondra is seen as a weed.

In other places, it is valued as an attractive ground cover or even a substitute for a small lawn area. Find out more about how to grow dichondra ground cover here. Prepare the garden by breaking up the existing soil (use a hoe, spade, or power tiller). Add organic matter such as manure, peat moss or garden.

Son port extrêmement retombant et traçant en fait une plante idéale en couvre-sol et vous offrira une magnifique cascade de petites feuilles gris-argenté pour la composition de vos suspensions ou de vos jardinières. For the best , plant in a good well-drained soil or compost and grow on in full sun or part shade. Sow January to April on the surface of lightly firme moist. Find great deals on eBay for dichondra seeds. This low-growing foliage plant spreads by rooting surface runners.

Dichondra argentea

Grows inches high and spreads feet wide. Heart-shaped leaves are covered with silvery down. This catalog is for information only. Obuhvata mali rod cvetajućih biljaka iz porodice Convolvulaceae.

Potřebuje dobře propustný substrát, plné slunce nebo polostín.

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