mardi 20 octobre 2015

Calycanthus aphrodite

Calycanthus aphrodite

Nouvel hybride avec de superbes et grandes fleurs semi-doubles rouges au cœur bordeaux et blanc, le parfum en plus. Le calycanthus aphrodite est un arbuste à la floraison spectaculaire offrant un show floral toute la saison. Ses qualités sont aussi dans son parfum, distribuant. Plant Description A showy new variety with large, fragrant bright red magnolia-like blooms. A new, improved calycanthus with large, bright red magnolia-like flowers.

Calycanthus aphrodite

Ses fleurs étonnantes, blanche à cœur. Arbuste touffu, au feuillage caduc vert foncé. Floraison particulière et très odorante de couleur rouge foncé à la fin du printemps.

Calycanthus ‘Aphrodite ’ has larger flowers and leaves than the species. En effet, cette variété ce distingue par sa floraison rouge. Also known as Carolina allspice, calycanthus is. Toutes les plantes vendues sur ce site sont produites dans notre pépinière. Les articles sont donc disponibles au moment de la commande.

Captivating bright magenta red magnolia-like. NURSERYSTOCK is your destination garden center offering thousands of plant varieties conveniently delivered to your door. Shop for annuals, perennials, shrubs, herbs. CALYCANTHUS FLORIDUS OU ARBRE AUX ANÉMONES.

Join our friendly community that shares tips and ideas for gardens, along with seeds and plants. Sinocalycanthus chinensis, originaire de Chine. Hardy - cold winter - Hardy in most places throughout the UK even in severe winters. Aphrodite Sweetshrub from Proven Winners is a new, improved calycanthus. It displays bright red magnolia-like flowers with a fragrant, sweet, apple-like scent.

This easy to grow shrub has many names and all of them say something about the beautiful perfume of the flowers: sweetshrub, strawberry shrub, or even pineapple shrub. Very large flowers resemble red magnolias, appearing amid glossy, tropical looking foliage for months every summer. Flowers are fragrant, though the scent is highly subjective - ask around your staff and. A deciduous shrub, it has lustrous, dark green, glossy foliage that turns golden yellow in the fall.

La plantation se fait à l’automne, pour permettre un bon développement des racines avant la saison plus sèche. Cette épingle a été découverte par stef 2. Découvrez vos propres épingles sur Pinterest et enregistrez-les. From mid summer to fall, this flowering shrub will adorn your garden with large red magnolia like flowers.

Living up to its name of sweetshrub , this deer resistant shrub will fill the air with sweet apple scented fragrance. The large, bright red magnolia-like flowers start early and rebloom through out the summer. The scent has been described as a combination of pineapple, banana and strawberry. We have combined these two powerful search tools into a single Find a Plant service searching over 250plant records. Unlike ‘Hartlage Wine’ it is very fragrant, producing a sweet, apple-like scent.

Planting near your doorway or walking path, will ensure you enjoy this beauties fragrance. This repeat bloomer has nice, glossy foliage, too. A new improved variety of calcycanthus brings wonderful fragrance to the beautiful deep red flowers. Flowers from mid- summer onwards, makes a fabulous shrub for a. If you love Hartlage Wine this improved cultivar will blow you away Large FRAGRANT red Magnolia like flowers ALL SUMMER on a 5-deciduous shrub with glossy foliage.

Calycanthus aphrodite

This spectacular selection is covered in fragrant, red-purple, Magnolia-like flowers. Cette nouvelle espèce a des fleurs rouge vif odorantes. Si vous voulez de belles feuilles brillantes et que la plante a un parfum de pomme, il est conseillé de le.

It was labeled sweet shrub calycanthus Aphrodite. It looks just like the calycanthus floridus. Which is the is the carolina allspice.

Sazaníků existuje několik druhů a považují se za keře východu Ameriky, i když jeden z nich má přímo ve svém jméně dovětek „čínský“. Nosinocalycanthus x raulstonii venus ou calycanthus venus pot litres buisson Descriptif variétal : Hybride Américain relativement récent, le.

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